RTL8722CSM] [RTL8722DM] RTC - 時間顯示


  • AmebaD[AMB21 / AMB22] x 1

RTC 模組會幫助微控制器來追蹤時間,是時間模組必須的一部分。

RTC module help microcontroller to keep track of time and is essential to our time module. Here we an example to demonstrate how to get local time and update the time.


1rtc = RTC()
2rtc.datetime() # get date and time
3rtc.datetime((2020, 12, 31, 4, 23, 58, 59, 0)) # set a specific date and time (year, month, day, weekday(0 for Monday), hour, minute, second, total seconds)
4rtc.datetime() # check the updated date and time