WiFi - Set up Client to Retrieve Google Search Informations


  • AmebaD [AMB21 / AMB22 / AMB23 / BW16] x 1


In this example, we use Ameba to be a web client to retrieve Informations from the Internet.
First, make sure the correct Ameba development board is selected in “Tools” → “Board”
Then open “File” “Examples” “WiFi” “WiFiWebClient”


In the sample code, modify the highlighted snippet and enter the required Informations (ssid, password, key index) required to connect to your WiFi network.


Upload the code and press the reset button on Ameba. Then you can see the Informations retrieved from Google is shown in the Arduino serial monitor.


Code Reference

To get the Informations of a WiFi connection: Use WiFi.SSID() to get SSID of the current connected network.
Use WiFi.RSSI() to get the signal strength of the connection.
Use WiFi.localIP() to get the IP address of Ameba.
Use WiFiClient() to create a client.
Use client.connect() to connect to the IP address and port specified.
Use client.println() to print data followed by a carriage return and newline.
Use client.available() to return the number of bytes available for reading.
Use client.read() to read the next byte received from the server the client is connected to.
Use client.stop() to disconnect from the server the client is connected to.